The actor was seriously injured in an accident in January 2023, but Jeremy Ha managed to defy expectations by learning to walk and run again, reports 'Female First UK'.

Jeremy told 'People' magazine: "For me, it means a lot because going from a wheelchair and limping around with a cane and (being told) you'll never walk properly again and you'll never walk again. It was very promising for me who would never be able to run. It gave me an ally."

The actor recalled feeling extremely encouraged by his early progress.

"You've got something on your side. When you've got hope, hope is a powerful ally. A lot of things help us build hope, progress helps us build hope," Jeremy told Female First UK. It helps. It's easy." ,

He said, "Failures don't feel like they do, but they also actually inspire hope because you can get progress from failures. You can't really make progress without failing. You have to have both." You have to fail to succeed.” Added.

Jeremy was injured when he tried to free a family member's car that was stuck in the snow near his home.

The 'Hurt Locker' star suffered more than 30 broken bones in the accident.