Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir Election Department has dismissed one government employee from services and suspended four others for violating the model code of conduct. Officials gave this information on Sunday.

An official spokesperson here said that prompt action against these employees of various departments of Jammu and Kashmir was initiated in response to the daily online reports given by the concerned District Election Officers and offline complaints received in the office of the Chief Electoral Officer, Jammu and Kashmir. Has been.

The spokesperson said, "Four employees have been suspended, disciplinary action has been initiated against one, while one employee has been dismissed from services. Apart from this, inquiry has been initiated against 34 employees.",

He said the move is aimed at ensuring free and fair conduct of the ongoing general elections while adhering to the zero tolerance policy of the Election Commission of India against such violations.

Of the four suspended employees, two in Kupwara and one each in Ganderbal and Doda districts have been suspended and an inquiry has been initiated against them.

"Disciplinary action has been recommended against an employee who has been proven to be involved in political activities, while a watchman has been terminated/dismissed from services after being proven to be involved in political activities," the spokesperson said.

The concerned authority has issued a warning to an employee to be careful in future who has pleaded guilty to unintentional mistake.

Besides, an investigation is underway against 34 employees, including six gazetted employees, which will be taken to its logical conclusion as per the directions of the Election Commission of India, officials said.The highest number of violations were reported from Srinagar district, followed by Kulgam and Rajouri (at second position) and Udhampur and Ganderba districts at third position, while the lowest number of violations were reported from Kishtwar, Bandipora, Reasi and Samba districts, the spokesperson said . ,