NEW DELHI: Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud on Wednesday said the Supreme Court has heard more than 7,50,000 cases through video-conferencing and more than 1,50,000 cases have been filed online as technology has improved law and order. Relations between enforcement agencies have been renegotiated. Including the judiciary.

Addressing the J20 Summit on 'Digital Transformation and Use of Technology to Enhance Judicial Efficiency' in Rio de Janeiro, the CJI highlighted India's achievements and said, "Virtual hearings have democratized access to the Supreme Court "

J20 is a summit of the Heads of Supreme Courts or Constitutional Courts of G20 member states and is being organized by the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court in the light of Brazil's presidency of the G20 this year. The CJI said that the case management system of the Indian Supreme Court is developed on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and is "the world's largest case management system".

Justice Chandrachud also said that even after the pandemic, hybrid hearings remain a feature of Indian courts, and virtual hearings have opened up space for those who face difficulties in physically appearing before courts. Does matter.“More than 7,50,000 cases have been heard through video-conferencing. Proceedings of important constitutional cases in the Supreme Court are live-streamed on the YouTube channel – bringing the constitutional deliberations to the homes and hearts of all citizens. India today is almost completely paperless with digital and optical character recognition-enabled paper-books," he said. Chandrachud said, "Technology has transformed our relationship with the law and the institution that enforces it. But talks have been held again." He further said, “Judges are perhaps the only public functionaries who sit on a high platform, punish for contempt and take important decisions."About the lives of others in confidential private chambers, without fear of electoral loss."

He said the apex court is using software – SUVAS (Supreme Court Vidhi Anuva Software) to translate the judgments into 16 regional languages.

"More than 36,000 cases have been translated so far. There is also live-streaming and YouTube recordings of important constitutional cases that provide complete context. Easy access to Supreme Court judgments through digital SCR (Supreme Court Records) Is provided.Where over 30,000 old judgments are available for free,'' the CJI said. Noting that judges are "neither princes nor sovereigns who are above the need for interpretation", he said the judiciary is a service provider and the rights Enables societies that affirm.

Chandrachud said there are two important areas in which digitization as a technology can help the judiciary in making it a better justice delivery mechanism. The first is to streamline pre-decision processes and the second is post-decision measures that improve access and engagement with decision makers.

"The engagement of Indian courts with the advancement of information technology began in 200 with the e-Courts project – a nationwide project to improve judicial efficiency and create citizen-centric justice delivery services.The front-desk experience of visiting courts has completely changed. “We now have the convenience of filing cases at the click of a button through e-filing platforms. With the steady increase in the share of e-filing, the Supreme More than 1,50,000 e-filings have been made in the court so far. The filings are comparable to physical filings," he said.

The CJI said the Supreme Court monitors judicial data from across the country in real time using the National Judicial Data Grid and iJuris – the information sharing platform for the district-level judiciary.Dealing with the use of technology as a form of "post-judgment measures", he said that once the judgment is delivered, it should be rapidly uploaded to the courts' website so that the parties can execute it or seek further remedies .Speaking on the issue of 'disinformation' regarding the judicial hearing, the CJ said, "We believe that sunlight is the best disinfectant, and correcting accessible information is the antidote to disinformation."

"In India, it is quite common for judges to join the Bar and play devil's advocate to get their best reaction. However, sometimes this is mistaken for the opinion of the bench and misleading clips of the proceedings are circulated . Internet.“Fortunately, we have a strong network of legal journalists who live-report the proceedings and help dispel misinformation,” Chandrachud said. Also talked about inequality related to division and representation.

Terming them as "bottlenecks", the CJI said, "We must deal with. When we talk of judicial efficiency, we must look beyond the efficiency of the judge and the overall judicial process. Efficiency lies not only in outcomes but Also implicit in these processes."Which should ensure a free and fair trial."