Santa Clara, a prominent Supreme Court lawyer has said that the next five years for India will be one of economic stability as well as instability on various fronts. He said that if the government does not do this then the country's development story will be hampered by law and order issues. Come up with a mechanism to deal with street fighting.

“I think India's economic success is a foregone conclusion due to many factors, and I am not overconfident here. There is a hunger for economic growth within the population, which is significantly driving the India story forward,” Sai Deepak, who is also a popular public speaker among the BJP's support base, said in an interview here.This hunger and the enabling factors that the government has put in place to create an enabling environment will definitely help the growth story, he said.

“But if the government does not come out with a mechanism to deal with the modified form of women's war that we have been witnessing for the last five years, the growth story will be hampered by law-and-order issues. This is not unique to India. This strategy appears to have been adopted around the world. I don't think the way of the future is the kind of terrorist attacks that you would have seen in the last 20 or 25 years, you would have been seeing a lot of urban warfare,'' he said.

“Experts call it this way, where the streets are occupied and you're not dealing with an organized group of people in terms of a core group, but where they're exposed to a large crowd, an indefinite unknown crowd. Choose to do.I think India needs to be prepared for such a war because if it does not happen, the experiment will be repeated on a larger scale with at least two protests between 2019 and 2024."

Therefore, referring to Shaheen Bagh and farmers' protests, Deepak said that he is more worried about how the government and the society will react about the outcome of the elections as he said that he has full confidence in what the outcome will be. Going to do.

In response to a question, he warned of a period of instability in India in the next five years.

“Economic stability, with instability on various fronts. I think this is not just a function of India's internal politics, but globally there is a feeling of increased levels of entropy across the board, which perhaps could spill over into India or escalate existing tensions in parts of India. Is.That is why I said that I am not worried about the economic development of India.

"I'm more interested in its ability to handle these situations firmly without being influenced by international opinion or the opinion of the West because we need to do what we need to do to stay in the game," Dipa said.

The interesting part of the current situation, he said, is the confluence of interests between vested interests within and outside, both of whom are interested in seeing the India story decline and fail.

Noting that there are a variety of voices in the West, he said those who are interested in India's growth story because they want to invest in the country are looking at it from a positive perspective. Those who are not comfortable with that increase are clearly looking at different issues and deliberately painting a negative picture.In response to a question, he said that a weak opposition is not good for India.

“(Prime Minister Narendra) Modi has been blessed with a weak opposition, and I have cursed India with a weak opposition. I don't think this is a good sign in general because the quality of the opposition also determines the quality of democracy, unfortunately, the kind of issues they (the opposition) have chosen to discuss as part of their election manifesto. And their strategy leaves one. Not much is desired. “This is not remotely representative of a visionary India,” he said.''