Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir BJP president Ravinder Raina on Wednesday criticized National Conference president Farooq Abdullah for advocating talks with Pakistan and asked "what kind of talks will be held with an enemy country that has created terrorism through its sponsored terrorism." has destroyed Jammu and Kashmir".

He said that BJP will respond to Pakistan in the language it understands.

“Abdullah should stop advocating for Pakistan which has bled Jammu and Kashmir and brought destruction to the region by training, arming and pushing terrorists to kill innocent civilians. Raina said, instead of condemning Pakistan, showing it a mirror and exposing its dark face to the world, he is advocating talks which is extremely regrettable.

Earlier in the day, Abdullah told reporters in Srinagar that terrorism will not end in Jammu and Kashmir unless there is dialogue with Pakistan.He said, "I have always said that terrorism will not end unless there is a consensus between the two countries (India and Pakistan). Terrorism will continue and we will have to combat it. The tragedy is that innocent people are being killed... and that is unfortunate,” Abdullah said.

"Unless we wake up and find a solution to this, more innocent lives will be lost," the National Conference leader said.

"We are facing tragedies. Innocent people of the state are facing tragedies and this is reflected in the rest of the country," he said."I hope they realize it's time to end this."

The BJP leader said that Abdullah should tell the people whether Pakistan is behind the bloodshed taking place in Jammu and Kashmir or not.

"Pakistan Army is training terrorists and providing them weapons before pushing them into Jammu and Kashmir," Raina said. He said that being sympathetic towards Pakistan is not a good thing and instead Abdullah should boost the morale of the Indian Army, police and paramilitary forces. Salute to their sacrifice for the security of the region by fighting terrorism.

“You (Abdullah) are a former chief minister, a former Union minister and you know that Pakistan is behind the bloodshed in Jammu and Kashmir.What kind of talks can be held with an enemy (nation) that is carrying out bloodshed? We will respond to Pakistan in the language it understands.