Apulia [Italy], As the G7 summit began in Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Thursday said the country decided to host the summit in Apulia because it is a region of southern Italy and a hub for the summit. Since, Italy wants to strengthen its power. Dialogue with countries of the Global South.

Noting that the Forum will celebrate 50 years, the Italian Prime Minister said in his opening remarks during the first session of the G7 Summit that over these decades, it has become irreplaceable in the management of global crises, especially those that There is a threat to our freedom and our democracies. ,

“Italy decided to host the leaders' summit in the Apulia region. It was no coincidence.We did this because Apulia is a region in southern Italy. And the message we want to launch as a G7, under the Italian presidency. Italian PM Meloni said, "wants to strengthen its dialogue with countries of the global south."

He said the nation chose this location because the area has historically been a bridge between East and West.

“It is the land of dialogue in the Mediterranean Sea, the Central Sea, which connects to the major oceans, the Atlantic on one side, and the Indian and Pacific Oceans on the other,” he said.,

The Italian Prime Minister further described the logo of the G7 summit, saying, "...along with another symbol of Italy, which is the century-old olive tree with its deep roots. And on the branches, seven olives, which are Symbolic of our nations cooperating on all global challenges."

He emphasized that all these symbols give an idea of ​​the goals of the Italian presidency.

Meloni said, "On the one hand, to value what unites us and to strengthen our cooperation. On the other hand, we want to be able to interact with everyone.,

Italian Prime Minister Meloni said that the G7 is not a self-enclosed fortress that needs to defend itself against others, "It is a container of values ​​and we have as our goal shared development and growth for the world." Want to open."

Outlining the agenda he said it would include the current crisis, Ukraine and the Middle East.

“We will also build on what the Japanese President did to ensure that we have a solid supply of generic AI, one of the key challenges of our time, and clearly harness its opportunities and its risks.” Responding to the need to contain, and also pay more attention to, the Indo-Pacific region,” she said.

The Italian President also decided to pay special attention to another continent that is fundamental for the future, Africa, with its opportunities."This requires a different approach than we have shown in the past," Maloney said. Often Africa is linked to another issue, not just Africa, which is the issue of migration and its worrying dimensions."