New Delhi: Congress on Thursday sharply criticized the Election Commission (EC) for not disclosing voter data to the public and said it is unfortunate and condemnable that the Election Commission is not fulfilling its constitutional duty and is inclined to "One-". sided".

Congress spokesperson Abhishek Singhvi has accused the Election Commission of not acting on complaints of violation of the Model Code of Conduct by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah and instead, trying to become the "th election department" of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Was accused. False equivalences were expressed by giving generalized guidelines to political parties.

“The Election Commission has become one-sided and blindly loyal to a particular party,” Singhvi said at a press conference here.All this is unfortunately being done because the Election Commission wants to become the election department of the Government of India." His comments came after the Election Commission gave an affidavit in the Supreme Court, which said that polling station-wise voters - "Indiscriminate disclosure" of polling data and posting it on its website will create chaos in the election machinery, for which I am already taking action.

Singhvi said the Election Commission's action on complaints against top BJP leaders and non-disclosure of voter data is not befitting a high-level constitutional body.

“This is against the constitutional responsibilities of the institution. This is the Election Commission, not an election agent of any party.When a constitutional institution does not follow the Constitution and shows inclination towards power then it should be understood that this is the end of democracy," he said. The Congress leader said that the Election Commission has directed that no one should do such things. What will you say if you question the Constitution?

He said, “Today India's identity, India's thinking, the basic structure of the Constitution is in danger. This is very unfortunate.,

Singhvi also questioned the purpose of "hiding" Form 17C, which is aimed at enhancing public confidence in the election process. "It is the constitutional duty of the Election Commission to share it with everyone. To oppose it in this manner is condemnable and unfortunate And this exposes the Election Commission in every way."

He said, "We are not asking the Election Commission about EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) but about disclosure of data. Through this stance in its ridiculous affidavit, the Election Commission is trying to destroy electoral democracy. Is falling into BJP's trap to hatch a conspiracy.,

Singhvi said that the first point of the Election Commission is that giving this data is undesirable and impractical and secondly, it says that disclosure in Form 17C can spoil the entire election environment and is likely to tarnish the image. He said, “It is like a fabricated and fertile imagination run by the Election Commission arbitrarily.”

In a post on Twitter, Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said Form 17C is an important document that informs the public about voter turnout in a particular booth.

"What does the Election Commission have to hide? Why is it bent on completely destroying its credibility at a time when its attitude towards disclosing polling data has come under so much doubt?" he asked. Venugopal said, “As the opposition, we are deeply concerned that a body that is supposed to be neutral and above all suspicion is going out of its way to appear suspicious and such The attitude is creating distrust among the public.,

Singhvi said that according to the Election Commission, data can be tampered with, someone can morph the photo, but he said that no data can be uploaded in this manner. He said, "This reply of the Election Commission is just an escape route. It is unfortunate and shows that the Election Commission is inclined to be one-sided."

“The Election Commission is as much in the litigation as the political parties we oppose. Political parties may fail in the litigation but the Election Commission cannot afford to fail in the litigation.e has not passed the high constitutional obligations and tests imposed on it. I have time, the Congress leader alleged, “The Election Commission reached the spot and settled these issues on constitutional grounds. It voted in favor of concealment rather than transparency.'' He said almost a month has passed since he complained about the "terrible" speech to the Election Commission, but not a word about the Prime Minister or the Home Minister from the poll panel. Or the whisper has not been heard.

“Not a single word in response from the Election Commission.Why is there this fear and hesitation when these two names come up? Why is this terror? Not a single warning, not a single prohibition, not a single day's suspension, no fault finding and instead delightfully vague platitudes.

"The Election Commission does not have the courage to say that so and so person has violated the Model Code of Conduct. Have you forgotten your heritage, your position, your constitutional position of 75 years?" Singhvi asked. He claimed that in the last 75 years, the country has not seen any Prime Minister using such language as Modi does.

"And yet the Election Commission is silent, avoiding the real issue and giving complete platitudes and sermons. The Election Commission has become one-sided and blind-sided towards a particular party. All this unfortunately It is being done because the Election Commission wants it not to be done.Election Department of the Government of India,” Singhvi alleged.