India, especially the northern states, has been witnessing extreme heat in recent times.

Methane is about 80 percent more powerful at trapping heat than carbon dioxide, making it a major contributor to the current heatwave. Nitrous oxide also absorbs radiation and traps heat in the atmosphere, increasing temperatures.

“We have all seen the recent heat waves. We have to reduce the chemicals that are increasing temperatures, greenhouse gases, for example methane, or nitrous oxide,” said Hisham Mundol, chief advisor at the Environmental Defense Fund, India (EDF), a global non-profit environmental advocacy group. Told IANS.

He said that "the science is clear, and solutions exist".

Lauding India for being a “global leader on climate action”, Hisham said, “What the country represents for the planet is a steady hand on climate change. It has made important commitments and is continuing to move forward."

He appreciated the steps taken by India, such as committing to a renewable energy target of 50 per cent of all capacity for energy by 2030, which is equivalent to 500 gigawatts (GW) of renewable energy capacity; And also to reach 190 gigawatts of renewable energy.

The expert called for maintaining the momentum and "increasing our renewable energy availability and use".

Furthermore, Hisham also called for accelerating action towards improving forest cover and biodiversity, as it is the largest carbon sink available on the planet.