“I write with reference to the termination letter received by Captain Ajay Kuma Narang (Retd.) in e-mail dated 04.03.2024 and termination letter dated 11.03.2024 (hereinafter referred to as “termination letter”) and notice dated 02.04.2024. I am staying. The letter said it has been posted at various locations in the IOA building (collectively called "termination documents"), a copy of which is with IANS.

“It is disappointing to see that we are still not able to work as a team and your every move is an attempt to sideline me. It is brought to your attention that Captain Ajay Kumar Narang (Retd.) was appointed as my Executive Assistant (“EA”) vide appointment letter dated 07.06.2023 signed by me. The EA to the President, Captain Ajay Kumar Narang (Retd.) was to report to me alone and attend all correspondence/travel/appointments/meetings etc. of the President of the IOA.Thus, it becomes naturally clear that their extension and/or termination will be based on my recommendation and not on the whims and wishes of anyone else, including the Executive Council, who have absolutely no knowledge of the work done by them. Is.

The great athlete further wrote, “I note that you have referred to Clause 10 of his appointment letter signed by me in the termination letter. Please note that as the President of the IOA, I am a member of the IOA with the powers mentioned herein. Moreover, it was your sacred duty to consult me ​​and seek my opinion regarding the performance of Captain Ajay Kumar Narang (Retd), even though you knew nothing about it.''

“In view of the above, the members who signed the termination document have committed a mistake in issuing it in excess of the powers given to them.Thus the termination documents are completely meaningless. In any case, I am satisfied with the work of Captain Ajay Kumar Narang (Retd) at present and there is no reason to terminate his services.

“Furthermore, I am left with no option but to remind you all that day-to-day administrative work, including the recruitment and dismissal of staff, is not the job of the Executive Council. As the Executive Council, we should use our power and authority for more important aspects of taking IOA to greater heights. Additionally, the Senior Vice President/Vice President may assume the responsibilities of the President only in matters of the President.Absenteeism Thus, all Executive Council members are requested not to act in excess of the powers and responsibilities conferred by the IOA Constitution and in direct violation of the provisions therein. I once again urge you to start working as a team for the betterment of athletes and the Olympic movement in India.

“In conclusion, I reiterate that the services of Captain Ajay Kumar Naran (Retd.) have been good and thus, there is no reason to terminate his services. In any case, the appointment of the Executive Assistant to the President is not within his jurisdiction. Executive Council and thus, termination is non-east and bad in law.IOA staff is hereby directed to remove any copy of “Notice dated 02.04.2024” posted in the IOA building. Further, the IOA staff have been directed to follow guidance and instructions from my office through my Executive Assistant.''