New Delhi, India, on Friday described as "blatant falsehoods" the content of a documentary made by ABC News that claimed to uncover alleged attempts by Indian intelligence agents to interfere in Australia's "national security."

External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said the documentary appeared to serve a particular agenda to "defame" India.

"The documentary contains blatant lies, is biased and reflects unprofessional information. It appears to serve a particular agenda to defame India," he said in his weekly press conference.

"We obviously oppose any attempt to tolerate, justify and even glorify terrorism," he said.

In the documentary, ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) News claimed to have "uncovered the long arm of the Indian state" in Australia and even accused Indian intelligence agents of attacking the Indian diaspora in that country.

The documentary, titled "Infiltrating Australia - India's Secret War", also alleges that Indian intelligence agents attempted to gain access to sensitive defense technology and airport security protocols.

In April, Australian media reported that Canberra expelled two Indian spies in 2020 for allegedly trying to "steal secrets" about sensitive defense and airport security projects.

"Indian spies were expelled from Australia after being caught trying to steal secrets about sensitive defense projects and airport security, as well as classified information about Australia's trade relations," an ABC report said.

The so-called foreign "spy nest" dismantled by the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO) in 2020 was also accused of closely monitoring Indians living in Australia and developing close relationships with current and former politicians, he said.