Tel Aviv [Israel], As tensions rise between Israeli leaders over the ongoing war in Gaza, Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz has threatened to resign from the government if it does not file a new resolution to the war in Gaza within three weeks. The plan is not adopted, CNN reported Saturday. The move would make Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu more dependent on his far-right allies. Former Israeli Defense Minister Gantz demands that the cabinet prepare a war plan against Hamas by June 8. In remarks in the city of Ramat Gan on Saturday night local time, Gantz warned that if his demands were not met, he would step down. Government.He said the plan included eliminating Hamas, repatriating hostages, establishing an alternative government in the Strip, returning Israeli residents to Israel's north and making progress on normalization with Saudi Arabia, CNN reported. Doing is involved. Gantz issued an ultimatum, saying that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would have to choose between "victory and a disaster". "If (Netanyahu) chooses to lead the country into the abyss, we will step down from the government, turn to the people and form a government that can deliver a real victory," Gantz said, CNN reported. Gantz's ultimatum comes days after current Defense Minister Yoav Galon publicly demanded a post-war plan and warned that he would oppose Israeli rule in Gaza – his most direct statement on the subject. While Gallant warned of the consequences of a prolonged Israeli military presence in Gaza and directly called out Netanyahu, Gantz defended Israel's military operations in Rafah, calling the city "a gateway to the re-emergence of Hamas".Gantz said that to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians, Hamas cannot remain in Gaza and must be cleared from Rafah, CNN reported He acknowledged that the war is having a harmful impact on civilians, but Emphasizing that "decisiveness" is needed. Meanwhile, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office has rejected Benny Gantz's threat to leave the country. The government says the ultimatum he has given for war against Hamas will harm Israel, "The conditions set by Benny Gantz are trite words that clearly mean the end of the war and Israel's defeat, Abandoning most of the hostages, retaining Hamas, and establishing a Palestinian state, the office said in a statement. The office also asked Gantz whether he would disband the Hamas battalions, reestablish the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, CNN reported. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is committed to all three, saying that "Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks that the emergency government will achieve all the goals of the war." It is important to do this, including the return of all our hostages, and we look forward to Gantz making his position clear to the public on these issues.