Tel Aviv [Israel], The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its forces struck about 270 terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip on the first day of the Passover holiday, including more than 20 terrorist infrastructures aimed at Israeli territory. . A rocket launch site was destroyed in the attacks. Additionally, the IDF, using Israel Air Force aircraft, attacked a launch site located in the designated humanitarian zone in the southern Gaza Strip. Before it could launch the rocket into Israeli territory, the launch site was attacked. Before the attack, the IDF took precautions to make it possible for civilians to evacuate the area, thereby preventing injury to those not involved in the attack. The IDF said it was "further evidence of Hamas's reprehensible use of civilian spaces for terrorist purposes." Additionally, rockets were launched by the terrorist organizations Hamas and Islamic Jihad during the Passover holidays at several areas in Israel near Gaza known as the "Gaza Envelope", including Sderot and Zikim (both located in the north). were) included. Gaza), the IDF attacked the positions and launch sites from which the shots were fired.