Tel Aviv [Israel], Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Galant, when talking about how many Hezbollah terrorist commanders have been killed in total by the IDF (Israel Defense Forces), said, "[Hezbollah leaders] Nasrallah is dragging Lebanon into a very difficult reality – for which Lebanese residents will have to pay the price [suffer as a result of Hezbollah's actions]. The comments came as Gallant assessed an operational situation and several commands in the IDF's northern And upon completing the tour of the command centers Wednesday, Minister Gallant mentioned Hezbollah leader Hassa Nasrallah's recent speech in which he claimed that "the Israeli Defense Minister is increasing the numbers of Hezbollah brigade commanders." presented a series of images of and stressed that the IDF has eliminated more than 30 terrorists and commanders in the terrorist organization, saying, "Nasrallah is dragging Lebanon into a very difficult reality – which is costing Lebanon and Hezbollah The people of the forces will have to pay [the consequences of Hezbollah's actions],” he said. , “This is the same Nasrallah who told you two weeks ago that there were no casualties among Hezbollah militants. “My question to him is – aren't they your people? Gallant then pointed to a photo and listed several Hezbollah commanders eliminated by the IDF. These included the commander and senior officers of the Bint Jabi Brigade – Abu Maadi who handled missiles his entire life, Sid Mechi, one of the most senior Hezbollah operatives, Jawad Twil, commander of the Radwan forces “Are they not all Hezbollah members? " He asked.