Kata'ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, a militia affiliated with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq that is an umbrella body for Iran-backed Iraqi militias, said in an online statement on Saturday that one of its fighters, Abdullah Razzaq al-Safi, had been killed. His vehicle was hit by a US airstrike while patrolling areas near the Iraqi-Syrian border on Friday night.

The US Central Command and the international coalition did not comment on the airstrike, which reportedly took place on Friday night in the Albu Kamal area of ​​Syria's Deir al-Zour province, Xinhua news agency reported.

Meanwhile, the Britain-based war monitor Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed that an unidentified airstrike targeted Iranian-backed militia positions in the Albu Kamal region, killing one Iraqi fighter of the Islamic resistance in Iraq and two others. Others were injured.