He took to the social media platform on Thursday, reacting to Canada's Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc's announcement on Wednesday.

Bagheri Kani said Canada's act of blacklisting the IRGC, which is an integral part of Iran's official armed forces, was a "provocation" of the principles and rules of international law and regional peace and stability, Xinhua news agency reported. was in danger.

Meanwhile, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani on Thursday condemned the Canadian government's move as "unorthodox and unwise" and said the decision was "in violation of international law regarding sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of states." The opposite is hostile action." ,

Kanani called it "an example of aggression against Iran's national sovereignty."

In remarks Wednesday, LeBlanc vowed that Canada would use all tools at its disposal "to counter the terrorist activity" of the IRGC, while accusing the Iranian armed forces of disregarding human rights both inside and outside Iran. Planted.

LeBlanc said thousands of senior Iranian officials, including top IRGC members, are now banned from entering Canada, and those already inside the country could be investigated and removed.

As a result of the decision, Canadian financial institutions are required to immediately freeze the assets of a blacklisted entity, and it is a criminal offense for any person in Canada and Canadians abroad to knowingly deal with assets owned or controlled by a terrorist group. It is a crime. A press statement issued by Public Safety Canada.