NEW DELHI: Chief Justice of India D Chandrachud on Saturday said the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into modern processes, including court proceedings, raises complex ethical, legal and practical considerations that demand thorough scrutiny.

The CJI said AI represents the "next frontier of innovation" and its use in court judgments presents both opportunities and challenges that require nuanced deliberations.

Justice Chandrachud said that while AI presents unprecedented opportunities, it also raises complex challenges, particularly related to ethics, accountability and bias and to address these challenges, stakeholders around the world, beyond geographical and institutional boundaries, A concerted effort is required. He was speaking at a two-day conference on technology and dialogue between the Supreme Courts of India and Singapore.

Chief Justice of Singapore Justice Sundaresh Menon and several other judges and experts were also present during the conference.Justice Chandrachud said that in the legal sector, AI has immense potential to transform the way legal professionals work, from enhancing legal research and case analysis to improving the efficiency of court proceedings. In the field, AI has emerged as a game-changer empowering legal professionals with unparalleled efficiency and accuracy.

The CJI said, with the launch of ChatGPT, a conversation has come to the fore about whether AI should be trusted to reach the conclusion of a case or not.

He said, "These examples show that we cannot avoid the question of the use of AI in court adjudication. The integration of AI into modern processes, including court proceedings, raises complex ethical, legal and practical considerations that demand close scrutiny." We do."The CJI said that amid the excitement over the capabilities of AI, there are also concerns about potential errors and misinterpretations.

“Without robust auditing mechanisms, instances of ‘hallucinations’ – where AI produces false or misleading responses – could occur, leading to inappropriate advice and, in extreme cases, obstruction of justice,” he said.

Justice Chandrachud said that the impact of bias in AI systems presents a whole challenge, especially when it comes to indirect discrimination. He said that in the realm of AI, indirect discrimination can manifest in two important stages – first, the training stage where incomplete or inaccurate data can lead to biased results and second, with often opaque “black-box” algorithms during data processing. Obfuscate the decision-making process for human developers.Black box refers to algorithms or systems where the internal workings are hidden from users or developers, making it difficult to understand how decisions are made or why certain outcomes occur, he said.

The CJI said facial recognition technology is a prime example of high-risk AI because of its inherent nature and potential for misuse. He said the full realization of AI's potential depends on global collaboration and cooperation.

Capacity building and training play a vital role in ensuring the ethical and effective use of AI technologies and by investing in education and training programs, one can prepare professionals to deal with the complexities of AI, identify biases, and maintain ethics standards. Can equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills. In the use of AI systems, he said.The CJI said there are fears that the adoption of AI could lead to the emergence of two-tier systems, where access to quality legal aid becomes stratified based on socio-economic status. The poor may find themselves deprived of substandard AI-powered assistance. may find themselves disadvantaged, while only affluent individuals or high-end law firms can effectively utilize the capabilities of legal AI. Such a scenario has the potential to widen the justice gap and perpetuate existing inequalities within the legal system. There is a risk of." " He said.

Justice Chandrachud said that in the legal sector, the adoption of AI may increase inequality by favoring those with access to advanced technology, but it also opens the door to new players and services, disrupting existing hierarchies.Referring to the Supreme Court's adoption of hybrid-mode hearings, which allows virtute participation, he said the top court has removed geographical barriers and this has democratized access to the top court. He said, " As we move towards the integration of AI into the legal sector, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in addressing systemic challenges and ensure that AI technologies help enhance rather than undermine the pursuit of justice for all "

The CJI said the advancement of technology and AI is inevitable and has the potential to significantly transform businesses and make service delivery more accessible to people.

"In the field of law, this shows the potential of AI in streamlining justice delivery," he said. The CJI said that with a population of over a billion people and a fast-growing economy, India has the potential to leverage technology within the judicial system. Presents huge opportunities for adoption.He mentioned the e-Courts project and said that it aims to computerize court processes, digitize case records and establish online case management systems at all levels of the judiciary.