The “5G Intelligent Village” initiative of the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) responds to the urgent need for equitable technological advancement by harnessing the transformative power of 5G technology for the upliftment of rural communities.

At the DoT workshop, Telecom Secretary Dr Neeraj Mittal discussed the concept of “smart” and “intelligent” villages, emphasizing the ability of these communities to interact, understand their surroundings, communicate data and extract knowledge, So that they are able to take informed decisions. ,

He urged the industry and TSPs to come forward and use technology to adopt villages and make them intelligent villages.

Emphasizing the government's priority on enhancing rural development, the workshop showcased initiatives aimed at improving connectivity, digital literacy and sustainable practices to significantly enhance the quality of life for rural communities.

Experts stressed the need to bridge the digital divide between urban and rural landscapes. The objective of the workshop is to integrate technology and rural development to enhance the quality of life. The integration of cutting-edge innovations such as 5G with traditional rural practices was highlighted as a way to promote sustainable development and improve living standards in rural areas.