New Delhi [India], India's coal production for June 2024 has shown an increase, with production reaching 84.63 million tonnes (MT), marking a growth of 14.49 percent in comparison with the same period last year, when production stood at 73.92 MT.

According to a press release from the Ministry of Coal, state-owned Coal India Limited (CIL) has played an important role in this growth.

CIL achieved coal production of 63.10 MT in June 2024, reflecting an increase of 8.87 per cent over the previous year's figure of 57.96 MT.

Production from captive producers and other coal producers saw an even more substantial increase. In June 2024, these entities collectively produced 16.03 MT of coal, an increase of 55.49 percent from 10.31 MT recorded in June of the previous year.

This sharp rise highlights the growing role of private and captive miners in supplementing India's coal supply.

Regarding coal shipments, there was also a significant upward trend. Total coal shipments for June 2024 reached 85.76 MT, a growth of 10.15 percent compared to 77.86 MT in the same month last year, the press release said.

CIL alone dispatched 64.10 MT of coal, which is an increase of 5.41 per cent over the 60.81 MT dispatched in June 2023, the ministry said.

Shipments from captive producers and other coal producers grew by an impressive 43.84 percent from 11.30 MT to 16.26 MT.

The Ministry also reported a notable increase in coal reserves. As of June 30, 2024, coal companies had reserves of 95.02 MT, reflecting a strong annual growth rate of 41.68 percent, the press release said.

Thermal power plants (TPP) also experienced a significant increase in coal reserves, with their reserves reaching 46.70 MT, representing an annual growth of 30.15 percent. This increase is essential to ensure uninterrupted power supply throughout the country, especially during peak demand periods.

These advancements in coal production and storage are aligned with the Indian government's vision of "Atma Nirbhar Bharat" (self-reliant India), the ministry said.