New Delhi [India], India's cumulative infrastructure spending will exceed $2.5 trillion by 2031, industrialist Gautam Adani highlighted on Wednesday, saying the stage is already set to create a multi-trillion-dollar market space in the country. Are present.

At an event organized by CRISIL on 'Infrastructure Catalyst for India's Future', the Adani Group Founder Chairman said, "While every country has its own challenges, I can say with confidence that India's real growth is yet to come. The platform to create a multi-trillion-dollar market space is already in place, with India aiming to become a $10 trillion economy by FY32."

Adani said India is on track to realize its goal of becoming a US$10 trillion economy by fiscal year 2031-32.

He said India's energy sector will play a key role in infrastructure development and about a quarter of the total infrastructure spending in the coming years will be used in the energy sector and energy transition."The cumulative spending on infrastructure will exceed $2.5 trillion. About 25 percent of this entire spending is expected to be on energy and energy transition," Adani said.

He highlighted that green electrons will emerge as a key driver of India's economic growth.

Green Electrons produce electricity from non-emitting sources primarily wind and solar. They cross wires to reach the end user and can be stored in batteries for future deployment.He said Adani Group will produce the cheapest green electrons in the world to sustain the growth of many sectors.

“The availability of green electrons will be the primary driver of a country's economic progress, and in my opinion the green electron market has no growth limits yet. We will produce the world's least expensive green electrons that will become the feedstock for many sectors. has to meet the sustainability mandate,” Adani said.

The industrialist compared India's growth pace after liberalization and said governance is the most important catalyst for the growth of the infrastructure sector after 2014.

“If the period between 1991 to 2014 was about laying the foundations and building runways, the period between 2014 and 2024 is about getting the aircraft flying, the single most important catalyst enabling this flight is the quality of governance It's been the last decade," he said.