“Our country has graced us with its foundation of incomparable spirituality, unwavering resilience, unwavering enterprise and its immense capacity to embrace and thrive in diversity. However, these foundations of our nation today stand at the threshold of destruction,” Priyanka said while addressing a public rally in Chalakudy, Kerala.

He said that the current Lok Sabha elections is a battle for the soul of this great nation.

“This is a fight for a democratic India that stands bravely against tyranny and inequality. This is a fight for the freedom we once took for granted.This is a fight for hope and this is a fight for all that is right,” he said.

He said that some people who owe allegiance to the Prime Minister arrogantly talk about changing the Constitution which was written with the blood of freedom fighters and martyrs.

He said dissenting voices are being suppressed, students are being arrested for expressing their opinions, activists are being raided and jailed, journalists are being fired for reporting the truth. Being beaten and put in jail and most of the media is under my control.

"Government agencies that are meant to protect the law have been turned into illegal extortionists and used to suppress dissent," he said.

Priyanka alleged that the government "protects" rapists and "defends" oppressors and abusers of women as the "government" in the administration humiliates the victims.“People's public assets are handed over to the Prime Minister's billionaire friends. Airports, ports, highways, vast tracts of public land and all sectors of industry like cement, power and coal are now virtually controlled by businessmen close to the Prime Minister,” Priyanka said.

He said that the people of Kerala should recognize the ongoing general elections as a battle for the soul of India.