Speaking at FICCI's Cold Chain and Logistics Summit, Surendra Ahirwar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, said the cold chain sector currently has a turnover of about Rs 2 lakh crore and is growing at a rate of more than 10 per cent. .

Ahirwar highlighted the government's efforts to create an enabling environment for innovation and efficiency in the cold chain sector.

He mentioned the PM Gatishakti National Master Plan initiative, which catalyzes accelerated infrastructure development for the logistics sector, including temperature controlled warehouses. Furthermore, he also mentioned the National Logistics Policy launched in 2022, which comprehensively addresses various aspects of the logistics sector, including cold chain.

He stressed the importance of various industry initiatives, including innovation, creation of infrastructure and partnerships between industry and academia.He cited examples such as temperature-controlled storage, IC battery technology and efficient packaging solutions as positive developments in the field.

Speaking on the occasion, Ashish Fotedar, Chief Operating Officer, National Center for Cold-Chain Development (NCCD), Ministry of Agriculture, highlighted the initiatives of NCCD aimed at strengthening the country's cold chain infrastructure with a focus on sustainability, efficiency and innovation. Poured.

He said NCCD is revising the technical standards and minimum guidelines for implementing cold-chain components in the field. The revised guidelines will serve as a roadmap for all central and state government bodies setting up iced tea facilities across the country. Besides,

NCCD is engaging with stakeholders to identify the problems faced by reef truck owners as well as working on the policy part to provide appropriate recommendations to the Ministry.Fotedar also said that NCCD is developing a mobile application for digital data related to cold chain components.

This is expected to increase capacity utilization, reduce fuel costs and reduce carbon footprint. The application will also capture logistics data relevant for policy making and analysis.

Amit Kumar, Committee - Co-Chair, FICCI Committee on Logistics stressed the importance of developing sustainable infrastructure and adopting smart technologies to optimize energy usage and reduce environmental impact.

On this occasion, the FICCI-Grant Thornton India Report on "Cold Chain Dynamics Mapping India's Logistics Transformation" was also released.The Knowledge Report highlights India's dynamic food processing industry and emphasizes the critical role of the cold chain sector in view of challenges such as lack of infrastructure and high costs.