Dujarric said Guterres would present Sen with the 2023 Military Rhino Advocate of the Year Award on Thursday, which coincides with the International Day of UN Peacekeepers.

The award recognizes the efforts of a military peacekeeper in promoting the principles of the 2000 Security Council resolution which calls for the protection of women and girls from conflict-related sexual violence and sets out gender-related responsibilities for the United Nations.

Congratulating him, Guterres called him “a true leader and role model.” His service was a true credit to the United Nations as a whole.”

Sen worked with the Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), where she helped create the Community Aller Network in North Kivu as a platform that connects community leaders, youth and women to their security and humanitarian needs. Brought to voice concerns.”, according to the United Nations.

Along with his MONUSCO colleagues, he worked to address those concerns.

Guterres said that "with humility, compassion and dedication", he earned the trust of "conflict affected communities, including women and girls" as he engaged with his troops "in the escalating conflict environment in North Kivu".

Sen said, “Gender-sensitive peacekeeping is everyone’s business – not just us women. Peace begins with each of us in our beautiful diversity.,

"This award is special to me because it recognizes the hard work of all the peacekeepers who work in the challenging environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo and who give their best to bring positive change to society," he said. ,

Sen, who hails from Himachal Pradesh, is a biotech engineer who was studying for a master's degree at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay when she decided to join the Army.

He was deputed to MONUSCO as the Engagement Platoon Commander with the Indian Rapid Deployment Battalion in 2023 and completed his tenure in April 2024.

Sen is the second Indian peacekeeper to receive the honor after Major Suma Gawani, who worked with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan and received the award in 2019.

Of the 6,063 Indian personnel serving in UN peacekeeping operations, 1,954 are serving in MONUSCO, of whom 32 are women.The UN said Sen, who led mixed-gender participation patrols and activities, was a role model for both men and women by fostering "a safe space for me and the women under my command to work together". Became.

He also ensured that the peacekeepers under his command operated with sensitivity to gender and socio-cultural norms in eastern DRC to help build trust and increase his team's chances of success, the UN said.

The activities she initiated for women included English language classes for children and health, gender and vocational training for adults.

"Their efforts directly inspired women's solidarity, providing safe spaces for meetings and open dialogue," the UN said.

She encouraged women in Kasilira village, near Ravindi city, to organize to advocate for their rights, especially in local security and peace discussions.