Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], Indian benchmark indices rose after opening with losses on Monday. The Sensex closed 0.20 per cent higher at 72,809.67, while the NSE Nifty 50 closed 0.29 per cent higher at 22,120.0 after falling to a low of 21,821. The top gainers in the Nifty 50 were Cipla, Asian Paints, Divi's Lab Adani Ports and Adani. Enterprises, while Tata Motors, BPCL, Shriram Finance ONGC and NTPC led the losses," Nifty has formed a hammer pattern on the daily chart, indicating a possible bullish reversal after a correction. Moreover, the stock is facing losses from the previous swing low. Support has been found around the low on the daily time frame," said Rupa Dey, Senior Technical Analyst at LKP Securities. "The index's recovery may face resistance in the 22150-22200 zone, and a decisive move above 22200 will only take the market into a tailspin. Lower levels could trigger a strong rally, support is located at 21950.On Monday, Indian benchmark indices recovered from earlier losses, with most sectoral indices trading in the green except Auto, PSU Bank, Oil & Gas Consumer Durables and Media. Notable gainers include pharma, healthcare, metals indices “Globally, stocks hit record highs as investors awaited key data releases, including US inflation data and Chinese activity data. “Announced plan to sell 1 trillion yuan in long-term bonds to support domestic stimulus efforts,” said Varun Agarwal, MD, Profit Idea. In the Nifty 50 list, 29 stocks closed with advances while 21 stocks closed with declines. A total of 2,740 stocks traded on the NSE, of which 1500 advanced, and 106 remained unchanged, despite the global stock index hitting a record high. Continues to support.Japanese government bond yields rose as the Bank of Japan's dovish signals hit currency markets.