New Delhi [India], Based on the preferences of over 4500 customers across 1 cities, Magicbricks launched its flagship Housing Sentiment Index (HSI), which measures the Indian residential real estate sector with an overall HSI of 149 as per Magicbricks report. Maps. Suggests a positive market outlook for. Despite inflationary pressures, the HSI remains strong across India and buyer confidence remains strong. Sudhir Pai, CEO, Magicbricks, said Ahmedabad has emerged as the leader with the highest HSI of 163, followed by Kolkata (160), Gurugram (157) and Hyderabad (156), thereby improving infrastructure and upcoming new real estate projects. developed. According to it, “The current scenario of India's real estate sector reflects the most promising conditions seen in the last decade, thereby instilling confidence among home buyers and investors across the country.It's also notable that when new inventory comes to market there is demand. The available supply continues to exceed, showing encouraging signs of rapid absorption. The report also said that middle-aged professionals (aged 24-35) demonstrated the highest HSI (154). Have done. Additionally, consumers with annual income of Rs 10-20 lakh displayed the strongest aspirations to purchase homes with HS of 156.Abhishek Bhadra, Head of Research, Magicbricks, said, “Our research shows that homebuyers have significant aspirations. Investing up to four times your annual income is a leading indicator of the prevailing sentiment and overall optimism within the market. This outlook is supported by various factors, such as income growth, continued economic stability and targeted government initiatives. On strengthening the resilience of the real estate sector, the report also revealed that the majority of home buyers intend to purchase within 3 years, leading to 152.54 per cent of the Indian affordable housing market for both current and future buyers. HSI indicates that more than 75 per cent of the female workforce prefers to invest in the stock market followed by real estate.Customers employed in the medical and pharma (163) and government sectors (158) displayed a strong housing sentiment, possibly due to their jobs and correlated financial stability. Home buyers opted for home ownership due to convenience, stability, favorable terms and easy disbursement. Strong sentiment was shown towards non-banking financial companies (NBFCs (156) and banks (152)).