PN Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], May 7: DigiCore Studios Limited (NSE - DigiCore specializes in providing visual effects (VFX) for a variety of projects. An aim to promote the country's animation and visual effects In a historic move for the Indian VFX industry, the Government of India has unveiled an unprecedented initiative to provide direct cash rebates to international projects utilizing Indian services. This strategic maneuver is expected to propel India's VFX and animation sector to unprecedented growth and global recognition. Era is set to take advantage of pure animation post-production and visual effects services in India for significant Indian content along with 30 per cent of the qualifying spend. The move is a welcome boost for the emerging Indian animation and VF industry, which has long been valued for its talent pool and cost-effectiveness. Is recognized.With this incentive, Indian studios are set to attract a larger stake in international projects, further strengthening the country's position as a global hub for animation and VFX production. In fact, DigiCore with a proven track record will benefit immensely from offering this generous discount. The studio is well positioned to take advantage of the increased demand from the government's stimulus scheme, providing high quality VFX services to clients worldwide. This initiative not only promises to enhance DigiCore's competitive edge in the global market, but is also a boon for its customers, who are ready to avail cost-effective yet top-tier VFX solutions. Commenting on the government initiative, Abhishek More, Managing Director, DigiCore Studios Limited, commented, “This historic step not only validates the talent and capabilities of our industry but also presents a significant growth opportunity for DigiCore.With our proven track record of providing high quality VFX solutions to clients worldwide, we are well positioned to take advantage of this incentive scheme and attract a larger share in international projects. This initiative not only enhances our competitive edge, but also strengthens India's position as a global hub for animation and VFX production. For our customers, this initiative makes sense. By taking advantage of these cash discounts, giving even greater importance to cost-effectiveness, we can offer top-tier VF solutions at competitive rates, ensuring that our customers receive exceptional service without compromising on quality. This move by the Indian Government underlines their commitment to support and nurture the growth of the animation and VFX industry in India, and we at DigiCore are excited to be at the forefront of this transformational journey.As India's animation and VFX industry embarks on this transformational journey driven by government support, stakeholders like Digicore are gearing up to take advantage of the opportunities that lie ahead. With innovation, talent and now government support, the future of India's animation and VFX sector looks brighter than ever.