Washington, DC [US], Indian expatriate Gopi Thotakura created history as he became the first Indian space tourist and second Indian to fly to space for Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin's NS-25 mission. Blue Origin on Sunday successfully completed its seventh manned space flight and the 25th for the New Shepard program. The five other crew members included Andhra-born Gopi Thottakura. Apart from Gopi Thotakura, the astronaut corps included Mason Engel, Sylvain Chiron, Kenneth L. Hayes, Carroll Sklar and former Air Force Captain Ed Dwight, who was selected by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 as the nation's first black astronaut candidate but never made it. Opportunity to fly, Blue Origin's official website states.Additionally, New Shepard has sent 37 people into space so far, including today's crew. "Many thanks to our astronaut customers for the opportunity to provide this life-changing experience," said Phil Joyce, New Shepard senior vice president. Joyce said, "For the benefit of the earth." way and make it affordable and accessible to citizens. Elucidating his feelings, he had said, "I cannot express my feelings, because it is something that is not in the urban dictionary. It is something that I Take it with me.I always tell people that from the time you're born until you leave, you want to wake up and see the sky, breathe, but I want the opportunity to do the opposite, to go up there and see the Dow. . Movies work great but (to see) what the naked eye can see, you have to do it yourself. All the excitement is about looking back and seeing what's happening, without documentation or someone else's gaze. He emphasized Blue Origin's tagline, 'For the benefit of the Earth', and said he also feels it is important to protect Mother Earth. "It is to protect Mother Earth that they are looking for life and adventure outside the planet," he said. In addition, each astronaut took to space a postcard from the Blue Origin Foundation, Club for the Future.The club's mission is to inspire and unite future generations to pursue careers in STEAM, so Earth Wing Commander Rakesh Sharma, a former Indian Air Force pilot, was the first Indian civilian to fly in space in 1984.