Washington: Prominent Indian-American community organizations have urged the chancellor of Rutgers University in New Jersey not to allow the display of the separatist Kashmiri flag on its campus, claiming it incites anti-Israel sentiments among premier US educational institutions. Would send a wrong message amidst the current chaos. War in Gaza.

Protests are being seen at major universities across the US against Israel's military action in Gaza.

The conflict was triggered by unprecedented attacks against Israel by Hama militants on October 7, killing more than 1,400 people. Israel has launched a massive counteroffensive against the Islamist militant group that has ruled Gaza since 2007.

On Friday, a group representing the protesting students said one in eight of their demands had been met by the Rutgers University administration.Point nine of the demands states: "The display of international flags on Rutgers campuses prohibits the display of flags of people from all regions, including, but not limited to, Palestine, Kurds, and Kashmiris."

However, informed sources said that the university has not acceded to the demands of the protesting group.

He said the chancellor's office will take stock of the flags displayed on Rutgers' New Brunswick campus and ensure appropriate representation of students enrolled in academics at the university.

The group's claims angered several Indian American groups, who urged the university to advise it against allowing the display of separatist Kashmiri flags on its campus.

Suhag Shukla of Hindu American Foundation (HAF)

The Coalition of Hindus of North America (COHNA) echoed HAF's sentiments.“Rutgers University bowed to hatred by approving the display of a flag that spread terror among the small remaining indigenous minority in Kashmir,” COHN said in a post on X.

"Under this flag, Kashmiri Hindus were systematically cleansed from their homeland Kashmir – a place named after the ancient Hindu sage Kashyap," it said.

A Dharma Vivek wrote that Rutgers University has set a terrible example for all public institutions, especially universities across America.

“The anarchists negotiated with the bullies and gave in badly to a long list of concessions. Viveka wrote on X, has betrayed the public trust by failing to allocate resources equitably.It is noteworthy that there are a large number of Indian students in the university. New Jersey has the largest number of Indian Americans in the US.

Thomas Abraham, president of the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), wrote a letter to Rutgers University President Jonathan Holova protesting the students' demand to display flags of displaced people on their campus.

He said, "We are very surprised to read that you are considering the protesting students' demand to remove the flags of the occupied peoples in all areas of Rutgers campuses that display international flags – including those of Palestinians, Kurds, and Kashmiris. are not limited to." ,

“This is a dangerous area for Rutgers to get involved in.Even by considering this demand, you are raising questions on the integrity of India. Kashmir is a very big part of India. There is no separate flag for Kashmir. Kashmiris are not displaced people,” Abraham asserted.

“In fact, the displaced people are Hindu minority who had to leave Kashmir due to violence against them. If Rutgers displays such a flag of Kashmir, it will trigger more protests by students who are protesting against such flags,'' he warned."As a public educational institution that belongs to everyone, Rutgers University has no business getting involved in the internal conflicts of countries around the world," the letter said.