New Delhi [India], The share of Indian airlines in international passenger traffic originating from, terminating in or transiting through India is expected to grow to 50 per cent by FY2028 from 43 per cent in 2024, according to CRISIL Ratings. The percentage was. The rating agency claimed the improvement will be driven by Indian airlines deploying additional aircraft and adding new routes in the international segment as well as their inherent advantage of better domestic connectivity compared to foreign carriers. The increasing stake will result in strengthening the business profile of Indian airlines. In international traffic, which is more profitable than the domestic segment, India's international passenger traffic is expected to grow to around 70 million in FY2024, from a low of 10 million in the pandemic-hit FY2021, to the pre-pandemic level. Crossed. The share of Indian airlines, which was growing steadily earlier, has picked up pace since the pandemic “There has been a remarkable shift in spending patterns post-pandemic, which is evident in the increasing inclination of Indians towards international leisure travel.Increase in disposable income, ease in visa requirements, increasing number of airports and increased air travel connectivity are boosting international travel, said Manish Gupta, senior director and deputy chief rating officer, CRISIL Ratings. Traffic,'' he said, adding that the rating agency said international passenger traffic is likely to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10-11 per cent over the next four financial years, compared to only 5 per cent in the four years before the pandemic. CAGR was. Indian airlines are looking to capture a larger share of the growth in international passenger traffic as it is generally more profitable due to higher margins and has less intense competition than domestic routes. They have added 55 new international routes in the last 15 months. “These include direct flights to long-haul destinations from additional cities in the United States, Europe and Australia, which are effective in reducing flight times and eliminating layovers,” CRISIL Ratings said."Air connectivity is positioning the country as a hub for international travel," said Ankit Kedia, director, CRISIL Ratings. "To capitalize on the growth in international travel, Indian airlines are looking at widebody and long-haul narrowbody aircraft for network expansion. are investing, adding new international routes and launching long-haul non-stop flights to key destinations."