Intelligence Bureau Director Tapan Kumar Deka said: "We urge caution against any activity based on Security Council authorization that is not representative of current realities."

Speaking recently at the United Nations Police Chiefs Summit (UNCOPS) here, he said that because it is responsible for maintaining international peace and security, "it is important that the Security Council is a reformed body with a expansion of the number of members in both the permanent and non-permanent categories".

He noted the regional imbalance among its members "given that more than half of the Security Council's work is focused on Africa."

India, he said, has been constantly calling for greater representation of Africa in line with the two documents signed by the African Union, the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration, which call for increasing the number of members from the continent in the Council in the category of elected officials and give them at least two permanent positions.

He said the nature of armed conflicts in which peacekeepers operate changed with the involvement of “non-state armed groups,” diplomatic parlance that includes terrorists.

Their involvement has "increasingly exposed peacekeeping operations to regional and global dynamics that undermine their efforts to implement their mandate," he said.

Deka criticized the current peacekeeping system, where the Council's mandates are unclear, the resources allocated to peacekeeping operations are inadequate and there are no definitive exit strategies to end missions, endangering the security of peacekeepers.

"There are divergences in the interpretation of mandates among various stakeholders, resulting in inadequate execution of the mandate as well as a threat to the security of our peacekeepers," he said.

Deka added that it is “extremely important that there is continuous and effective coordination between UN leadership, the host nation and troop/police contributing countries” from the drafting of Council mandates to the end of missions with a strategy. output.

Peacekeeping operations should also be adequately resourced, he said.

According to UN statistics, there were 151 Indian police officers in UN peacekeeping operations, while 5,384 troops were deployed.

Historically, India has been the largest contributor of personnel to UN peacekeeping operations.

Deka, who last month was granted a one-year extension in the Intelligence Bureau's top job, criticized "the fallacy of solutions imposed from outside" and said: "India has always stressed that there can be no substitute for national efforts to create an environment in which civilians are safe."

"The erosion of host nation support for the presence of peacekeepers is a reflection of the failure to address the root causes of the conflict," he added.