New Delhi [India], The Ministry of External Affairs said that the 16th meeting of the India-United Kingdom Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism was held in New Delhi. Both sides "strongly condemned" all forms of terrorism, including cross-border movement of terrorists, stressing the need to strengthen international cooperation to combat terrorism in a comprehensive and sustained manner, in accordance with the UN Charter and international given. The Indian side was led by KD Deval, Joint Secretary for Counter-Terrorism in the Ministry of External Affairs, while Chris Felton, Head of the United Kingdom Government's Counter Terrorism Network for Asia and Oceania, led the respective delegations to discuss the ongoing issues . Counter-terrorism cooperation between the two countries, "Both sides shared assessments of terrorist and extremist threats in their respective areas and territories, including threats posed by globally recognized terrorist entities and individuals," the MEA release said on the sanctions. Ideas were also exchanged. “The two countries expressed views on a range of CT challenges countering radicalization and violent extremism,” regarding ways to work together against individual terrorists and entities as well as in multilateral fora as a tool to fight terrorism. Counter terrorism, counter terrorism, law enforcement and maritime security. "It was agreed to further strengthen and deepen," the MEA release said. The 17th India-UK Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism will be held in the UK at a mutually convenient date.