New Delhi, In an interconnected world, "no war is far away," US envoy Eric Garcetti said on Thursday and affirmed that not only must we defend peace, but also take concrete measures to ensure that those who do not play with peace rules , their war machines "cannot continue endlessly."

"And that is something that the United States needs to know and that India needs to know together," the ambassador said during a keynote speech at an event here, in which he also advocated forging a stronger partnership between New Delhi and Washington, envisioning them together. as an "unstoppable force for good in the world."

His comments come in the context of multiple ongoing conflicts in the world, including Ukraine and Israel-Gaza. In his speech at a defense news conclave here, he described ties between India and the United States as deep, ancient and increasingly broader, and said that "today I think that culminates together when we look at the defense partnership between the United States and India."

The event was held at Unites Services Institution (USI), Delhi, and was attended by many defense experts.

"Not only do we see our future in India and India not only sees its future with the United States, but the world can see great things in our relationship. In other words, there are countries on the sidelines waiting for this relationship to work. Because, if works, it will not simply become a counterweight, but it will become a place where we will develop our weapons together, integrating our training together," Garcetti said. In times of emergency, whether a natural disaster or, God forbid, a war, "the United States and India will be a powerful ballast against the waves that will hit Asia and other parts of the world," he said.

"And I think we all know that we are interconnected in the world, that no war is distant anymore. And we must not simply defend peace, we must take concrete actions to ensure that those who do not follow peaceful rules, their war machines cannot continue endlessly and that is something that the United States needs to know and that India needs to know together," the envoy said.

"In the last three years, we have witnessed countries that have ignored sovereign borders. I don't have to remind myself how important borders are, it is a central principle for peace in our world," he added. The US ambassador to India He stressed that he had come to the event not to teach, preach or lecture, but always to listen, learn and remember their "shared common values."

"That when we hold on to those principles and stand together, even in difficult times, we will be friends, we will be able to demonstrate that principles are the guiding light of peace in our world. And together, the world's two largest democracies can improve the security, the stability of our region," he stated.

Underlining several common areas between India and the United States and their potential, the envoy said: "India sees its future with the United States, the United States sees its future with India." "Any objective observer will see that. We see it in our trade, we see it in our people and we certainly see it in our security and future," he added.

In his speech, he also spoke about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's historic state visit to the United States in June 2023.

"And a year after the prime minister came for that historic (visit), yes, one of the highlights of India's relations with the US after independence, there is nothing that has faded in the enthusiasm, the focus, the relationship of the Americans towards India," the envoy said. Describing the essence of bilateral relations as "commitment", he said: "It is a relationship, it is trustworthy and it is tested and tested. is tested."

"Love is the only thing you can give more and receive more in return. It's not a finite thing, it's not winning or losing, it's not a zero-sum game. It's important to us as Americans and Indians. "The more we put into this relationship, the more we will get out of it. "The more we insist on cynical calculations instead of relationships of trust, the less we will get," the ambassador said.

He said the US-India relationship is "broad and deeper than ever," but "it's still not deep enough." But this senator or this member of Congress concerned about an NGO, concerned about a religious group, concerned about a human rights issue, concerned about something that "sometimes we pretend doesn't exist, but in reality we have to face and find a good solution" language to talk about," he said.

"If you look at the circles that unite our values, they are not completely concentric, but they mostly overlap, I would say 80 to 90 percent," the envoy said.

Garcetti said "our heads and hearts are aligned," but the question is whether the two countries "move their feet together" and build that deep, ongoing trust and deliver results that address the security threats of this moment. "Because if We are only looking inward, neither the United States nor India in the Indo-Pacific will be able to keep pace with the current threats," he said, adding, "whether it is state actors on their border that we are also concerned about, in this region and in other regions ", whether it's climate change and the associated threats that the United States sees in this country.

"The stakes for our technological innovation together, the stakes for our joint climate action, the stakes for our military cooperation have never been higher because the pace of change has never been faster," he said. Garcetti.

He described the US-India defense partnership as one of the most important in the world.