New York [US], India launched a veiled attack on Pakistan at the UN General Assembly, saying Islamabad has the "most dubious track record" in all aspects, as it criticized "disastrous and damaging" comments made by Pakistan's Permanent Representative . His comments at the UN come after Pakistan's Permanent Representative to the UN Munir Aqra's remarks against India, which also included references to Kashmir, the BJP, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) and Indian Muslims. In her address on the agenda item 'Culture of Peace' at the UN General Assembly meeting, Ruchira Kamboj said that the culture of peace is deeply rooted in India's ancient history, diverse traditions and profound philosophical principles. He called the principle of nonviolence "the foundation of India's commitment to peace." Kamboj said, “In this Assembly, as we strive to develop a culture of peace amid these challenging times, our focus remains steadfast on constructive dialogue.Thus we choose to ignore the comments of a certain delegation, which not only lack decorum but also hinder our collective efforts due to their destructive and harmful nature. He said, "We would strongly encourage that delegation to engage with the essential principles of respect and diplomacy that should always guide our discussions or that is all I can ask from a country that in itself is the best in all aspects. “The suspect has a track record.” In his remarks, Kamboj said India is concerned by the increasing attacks on churches, monasteries, gurudwaras, mosques, temples and synagogues and stressed that these acts require a "swift and united response" from the global community. Kamboj said, “In our world today, we are facing significant challenges arising from geopolitical tensions and uneven development. Rising intolerance, discrimination, and violence based on religion or belief indeed demand urgent attention.We are particularly concerned by the increasing attacks on holy sites, including churches, monasteries, gurudwaras, mosques, temples, a synagogue, etc. “Such acts require a prompt and united response from the global community. It is therefore important that our discussions clearly address these issues as opposed to political justifications. We must tackle these challenges head-on and ensure they are resolved. “Our policy is at the center of dialogue and international engagement,” he said.''A real culture of peace. She said, "I would also say that terrorism is in direct opposition to the culture of peace and the core teachings of all religions which advocate compassion, understanding and co-existence. It creates discord, creates hostility and destroys respect and harmony." Undermines the universal values ​​that underpin culture and religious traditions around the world, requiring member states to actively work together to promote a genuine culture of peace and view the world as one united family. is, as my country firmly believes." He stressed that the importance of peace is "paramount" in today's global scenario.He further said, "It supports dialogue over discord, urging nations to favor diplomacy and communication over confrontation or war. This is especially relevant as we are dealing with ongoing conflicts around the world." Emphasizing that ancient Indian texts promote values ​​of harmony and compassion, Ruchira Kamboj said, "As far as I am concerned, As far as the country India is concerned, the culture of peace is deeply rooted in its rich history, diverse traditions and profound philosophical principles. The ancient Indian texts Vedas and Upanishads promote the values ​​of harmony, compassion and non-violence, principles that have shaped the ethos of my country, he said, adding that India's cultural heritage is a testament to tolerance and co-existence. Beyond borders, he said, "the principle of nonviolence, espoused by Mahatma Gandhi, remains the foundation of India's commitment to peace. And with its remarkable religious and linguistic diversity, India's cultural mosaic is a symbol of tolerance and co-existence." There is proof.Festivals like Diwali, Eid, Christmas and Nowruz celebrate the joys shared among different communities, transcending religious boundaries. The country's myriad languages, dialects and cuisines, along with its rich range of races, colors and landscapes, contribute to the flexibility and richness of India's overall culture. Emphasizing that India has historically been a refuge for persecuted religions, Kamboj said, "India is the birthplace not only of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism, but also of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Religion is also a stronghold of Zoroastrianism. It has historically been a place of refuge." For persecuted beliefs, which reflects his long-standing embrace of diversity.He commended Bangladesh for presenting the follow-up resolution to the Declaration and Program of Action, which India proudly co-sponsors. He said that India is dedicated to upholding the ideals of humanity, democracy and non-violence. Quoting a quote from Kamboja, he said, "In keeping with its civilizational values, India is dedicated to upholding the ideals of humanity, democracy and non-violence. Mr. President, I would like to offer a profound quote from our sacred Bhagavad Gita. I will conclude with this." The essence of a culture of peace.I quote, 'When a man responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union.'