New Delhi [India], The government on Monday maintained the ban on import of unregistered or non-compliant electronics and IT products, according to an official notification from the Commerce Ministry. The notification said, "Import of goods (new as well as old) notified under the 'Electronic and Information Technology Goods (Requirement of Compulsory Registration) Order 2021' as amended from time to time, whether refurbished, repaired or reconditioned or not, unless they are registered with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and comply with the 'labelling requirements' published by BIS. The objective of the directive is to ensure that imported electronic items enter the Indian market. The Ministry's notification also details specific procedures for LED and DC-supply control gear.Officials will randomly select consignments and pick up samples for testing, then these samples will be sent to BIS-certified laboratories to check whether they meet certain safety standards, customs clearance will be done for such consignments . Provided only after compliance of a randomly selected sample with the defined parameters of the applicable standard. If any sample fails to meet the standard requirements, the entire consignment will either be sent back to the country of origin or destroyed at the importer's expense. The government banned some IT hardware items in August 2023 after concerns were raised by many domestic and foreign people. However, the ban on laptop and computer imports was eased in October 2023.Under the revised conditions these goods can be imported with 'authorisation' specifying the quantity and value. Earlier, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) had clarified that there is no import restriction on certain IT hardware products like desktop computers. But, I banned the import of laptops, tablets and personal computers. Import of these items requires import authorization from the concerned agency.