Vientiane [Laos], As ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) continues to strengthen, India also remains a valued partner for the economic union.

Speaking to ANI in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, director general of ASEAN department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR), Chatoulong Bouasisavath, said that India is a valued partner of ASEAN .

"India is a valued partner of ASEAN...India understands ASEAN and has been helping in the ASEAN region...there is also a proposal this year on digitalization put forward by India which, when adopted, will further consolidate this relationship between India and ASEAN. he said.

ASEAN is a political and economic union of 10 Southeast Asian countries.

After the announcement about the real-time payment linking system between India and Singapore, India announced that it is working with Malaysia and other ASEAN countries to make it operational in more countries in the region.

"ASEAN states have various digital payment systems, we are working to integrate them...the proposed document on digitalization and digital connectivity presented by India will lay the foundation for further cooperation in this sphere," Bouasisavath said.

"If we can achieve an integrated payment system, it will be easier for tourists coming from India or those going there as they will be able to use an app to make payment," he added.

One of the key factors for the ASEAN bloc is the volatile situation in Myanmar.

The country has seen a rise in militant activity and a five-point program suggested by ASEAN is being worked on to address the situation. ASEAN also recognized India's role in maintaining stability in the region.

"We are moving forward with the five-point program in Myanmar and we have also appointed a special envoy for the region. The special envoy is responsible to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs... and we are engaged with many stakeholders in Myanmar," Bouasisavath said. .

Noting that India, as Myanmar's neighbor, has a very important role to play, the Lao official said that "maintaining contact with the Indian side is very important for ASEAN and for Laos as president."

The ASEAN bloc also remains hopeful that India will reconsider its position on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

On the possibility of India returning to the RCEP Regional Economic Trade Agreement, the DG said: "The doors are not closed for India and we are still hopeful that it will see value in the agreement."

The RCEP is a free trade agreement between Asia-Pacific countries: Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

This year, India celebrates a decade of its 'Act East' policy, keeping ASEAN as its central policy pillar.

India has reiterated its full support for ASEAN Centrality, ASEAN Perspectives on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP) and the priorities and outcomes of the Lao PDR ASEAN Chairmanship under its theme “ASEAN: improving connectivity and resilience."

In September last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi traveled to Indonesia to attend the 20th ASEAN-India Summit and the 18th East Asia Summit (EAS).

It was the first Summit since the elevation of ties between India and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations bloc of countries to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in 2022.