The Ipsos "What Worries the World" survey for June said 69 percent of Indians surveyed believe their country is moving in the right direction, with 79 percent in Singapore and 70 percent in Indonesia sharing the same sentiment. Expressed. This is in sharp contrast to the global average, where only 38 percent of citizens share this positive outlook.

The survey found that 38 percent of urban Indians cite inflation as their top concern, followed by unemployment at 35 percent. However, there has been a significant decline in anxiety levels compared to the previous survey, with inflation falling by 3 percent and unemployment falling by 9 percent.

The picture at the global level is very disappointing. Inflation (33 percent) and crime and violence (30 percent) emerged as the top concerns, followed by poverty and social inequality (29 percent), unemployment (27 percent), and financial and political corruption (25 percent). ,

The survey was conducted between May 24, 2024, and June 7, 2024, among 25,520 adults across 29 countries through the Ipsos online panel system. The sample includes approximately 1,000 individuals from several countries, including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, and Canada, while approximately 500 individuals were surveyed in other countries, including India, Argentina, Chile, Indonesia, and Israel.

Commenting on India's optimistic outlook, Amit Adarkar, CEO of Ipsos India, highlighted the government's role in mitigating the impact of global economic headwinds.

He noted the steps taken by the government to control fuel prices and inflation, India's emergence as the world's fifth largest economy and its growing influence on the global stage through forums such as BRICS and G7 summits, Which led to a positive outlook for the future among Indians. citizen.