Speaking at a ministerial roundtable on Wednesday, he said the government's initiatives like PM-KUSUM scheme and solar rooftop program are promoting environmental sustainability and job creation. He said the Indian carbon market will further advance sustainability efforts.

PM-KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha and Utthan Mahabhiyan) is a solar energy scheme aimed at ensuring energy security for farmers in India as well as increasing the share of installed capacity or electric energy from non-fossil-fuel sources in India. Commitment has to be honored. 40 percent by 2030 as part of the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).

The scheme aims to install 10,000 MW of decentralized grid connected renewable energy power plants on barren lands and 27.50 lakh stand-alone solar agriculture pumps on agricultural lands in the country as part of the larger push for green energy.Aggarwal also pointed out that the G20 New Delhi Leaders' announcement is a testament to India's efforts to build convergence towards its COP2 commitments of doubling the global rate of energy efficiency improvement every year and tripling global renewable capacity by 2030.

The Secretary also said that India's Mission LiFE has been appreciated for advocating sustainable lifestyle, reflecting the global consensus at the COP27 and G20 forums. H also spoke about COP28's recognition of moving towards carbon neutrality with an emphasis on Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) and green hydrogen.

The Secretary emphasized that developing countries need assistance in access to financing and clean technologies to help them effectively navigate the energy trilemma.

The conference discussed how the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai was a game changer.It also discussed energy innovation and cooperation, which has implications in managing the emerging energy trilemma trade-offs.

The roundtable meeting held on the third day of the World Energy Congress was attended by HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Climate and Energy Policy of the Netherlands. Rob Jetten and senior representatives from various countries and organizations.

The 26th World Energy Congress is expected to be a turning point for leadership on clean and inclusive energy transition around the world.

Themed 'Redesigning Energy for People and Planet', the four-day gathering marks the World Energy Council's centenary in global energy.The Congress wants to explore the role of connected energy societies in driving global energy transformations.