Kathmandu, The foundation stone of the dormitory building of a monastic school to be built with India's financial assistance of Rs 41.40 million and help to preserve Buddhist culture and tradition was laid in remote northwest Nepal on Friday. in this region.

The foundation stone of the Lowo Nyiphug Namdrol Norbuling monastic school dormitory, which would help in the development of education and religious activities, was jointly laid by Naveen Srivastava, Indian ambassador to Nepal, and Tasi Nharbu Gurung, president of the rural municipality of Lomanthang in Mustang. district located near the sacred temple of Muktinath in northwestern Nepal.

The project is part of the Nepal-India Development Cooperation under the overall umbrella of the High Impact Community Development Project (HICDP), under an Agreement between the Government of India and the Government of Nepal, according to a statement from the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu.

The grant will help the construction of the two-story dormitory building with various facilities and would be helpful in providing better education and accommodation to the students of the monastery.

"It will also help create an improved environment for learning and also contribute to the development of education and religious activities and help preserve Buddhist culture and tradition in this region," the statement said.

Since 2003, India has undertaken more than 551 HICDPs in Nepal in various sectors and completed 490 projects. Among them, 59 projects are located in Gandaki province in various sectors, including 17 projects in Mustang.

In addition to these, the Government of India has donated 1,009 ambulances and 300 school buses to various hospitals, health posts and educational institutions in Nepal.

Of these, 119 ambulances and 40 school buses have been provided in Gandaki Province, including 11 ambulances and 5 school buses provided in Mustang District.

As close neighbors, India and Nepal share extensive and multi-sectoral cooperation. The implementation of the HICDPs reflects the continued support of the Government of India to strengthen the efforts of the Government of Nepal to uplift its people and increase infrastructure in the field of priority sectors.