Washington, India, has the potential to be a key partner in diversifying global critical mineral supply chains, a senior US official said at a conference discussing the potential and opportunities to advance the respective clean energy agendas of the two countries.

The first-of-its-kind roundtable organized by the US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) along with Silverado Policy Accelerator and Principal to Principal Strategies (P2P) discussed strengthening the economic interests of both nations.

Demand for key minerals such as graphite, manganese and lithium will continue to play a vital role in the electric vehicle (EV) space and help India work towards its net zero vision in 2070, according to a statement here .

"The bilateral energy relationship between the United States and India is one of the most important in the world: India has the potential to be a key partner in the diversification of critical mineral supply chains globally," said Undersecretary of State for United States for Energy Resources, Geoffrey Pyatt, at a press conference. A roundtable discussion was recently held on “Enhancing US-India Collaboration on Critical Minerals.”

The goal is to forge a viable roadmap to enhance US-India collaboration on critical minerals. While recognizing that this collaboration is still flourishing, the goal remains to catalyze investments and foster strong bilateral ties within critical mineral supply chains and their downstream industries, the USISPF said.

“The Quad has been a historic mini-lateral uniting four countries, whose combined GDP is around $35 trillion,” said Mukesh Aghi, president and CEO of USISPF.

"At a time of shoring up and refocusing supply chains, a synergy of critical minerals will help solidify a new component of the Quad structure and boost India's manufacturing potential in areas such as smartphones and electric vehicles," said.

Verinda Fike, Indo-Pacific regional director at the U.S. Trade and Development Agency, said USTDA is committed to partnering with governments and the private sector to strengthen critical mineral supply chains.

"These partnerships are important to both India's and the United States' shared clean energy and digital infrastructure goals," she said.

The roundtable brought together a wide range of industry stakeholders, including members of USISPF, the US Government and the Embassy of India, think tanks and international partners with interests and aspirations in the minerals market critics from the US or India, according to a press release.

Mahnaz Khan, vice president (Policy) of Silverado Policy Accelerator, said the roundtable was convened to formulate a viable policy roadmap based on business input and a data-driven approach, aimed at shaping policies that mutually benefit the critical mineral sectors of both the United States and the United States. India.

During the discussion, stakeholders agreed that there is a huge opportunity in India's mining sector, but there are gaps regarding its contributions to global resources.

Kristi Rogers, managing partner and co-founder of P2P and the Global Supply Chain Task Force, said securing the supply chain for critical minerals cannot be achieved alone; requires almost unprecedented coordination and cooperation.

"But through collaboration, the United States and India can stimulate economic growth by building new processing and refining industries and supporting infrastructure, creating jobs and improving our collective economic security," he said. she.