New Delhi [India], France's permanent representative to the OECD, Amelie de Montchalin, said that India and France are working together as the two nations share the same vision on what artificial intelligence can contribute as a tool for further development , innovation and prosperity.

Speaking to ANI, Amelie de Montchalin noted that France and India have a digital public infrastructure in common.

When asked about the role of India and France in AI, Montchalin said: "So, India and France are really working together because we have the same vision of what AI can bring as a tool for further development, as a tool for innovation, as a tool for prosperity. But we also have the same values."

"We want to maintain our sovereign autonomy to make sure that we have control of our technologies. We have the same vision of cyber. Therefore, the fact that we work together is also a sign that we want to make sure that AI is in service of all people, throughout the planet, without division between what we call north and south," he added.

When asked if there is any debate between two nations in terms of AI, Amelie de Montchalin said: "As you know, France and India have something in common, which is digital public infrastructure. I was in charge of the reform of the public service and I was in charge of digital public services in France. And they are very close and very similar in their thinking compared to what you do here in India with your very successful digital public infrastructure, so we will continue to work together in this".

"We are also discussing, as part of the global partnership on AI, how to be AI forever, open AI solutions to address climate change, agriculture, smart cities, water resources, and making sure these algorithms are free, open, not only for India and France, but also for other developing and emerging countries, and this is something that I know India wants to do even more and that France will support and we will do together," he added.

She praised India for organizing the 'IndiaAI Global Summit' and called it a "great success". She stated that the conference in Delhi is a continuation of the G20 Delhi Summit held in 2023. The French envoy also spoke about the AI ​​Action Summit to be held in February 2025 and added that India will be invited to the Summit.

Speaking about India's role in the spread of AI, Montchalin said: "I think it is a great success to hold this Delhi conference today, this ministerial meeting of the Global Partnership on AI. I think it is also the follow-up to their G20 "I must say that what happened today between the ministers was something that President Macron and Prime Minister Modi discussed here in Delhi in September 2023."

"So, less than a year later, we are having the results and the new dynamics of this group that now brings together more than 40 countries from the north, from the south, from the east, from the west, from all over the planet to work together. And we will have in February 2025 in Paris what we call the AI ​​Action Summit, where India will be invited, where we will continue to work together. And for me, it's a really good place to be today because the vision that we have in common is. which, for me, will bring success to our people, the planet and innovation," he added.

The 'IndiaAI Global Summit' will be organized in New Delhi on July 3-4. According to the official statement, the Summit will focus on key pillars of the AI ​​ecosystem, including computing power, fundamental models, data sets, application development, future skills, startup funding and safe AI and confiable.