New Delhi: India can play an "even bigger" role in climate talks by being the voice of the global South and presenting the challenges they face, leading environmentalist Sunita Narayan said, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about the UN climate summit in 2028. Are considering hosting. ,

Speaking to editors here, Narayan, director general of the Center for Science and Environment (CSE), said the Conference of the Parties under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is the only forum where multilateral decisions can be taken to tackle it. With the challenges posed by climate change.

“We can play an even bigger role as a country that stands up for the countries of the South. We have challenges.We can talk about our challenges, not just put paperwork on them. And, we can help the world find a better way. We can play a leadership role,” Narayan said.

Modi, in his address to the Conference of Parties (COP-28) in Dubai, had offered to host the climate conference in India in 2028.

The COP presidency rotates between different world regions and the next opportunity for India will be in 2028 when it is Asia's turn.All countries in that group will have to unanimously agree to Modi's bid before it can be ratified.

Narayan said, "Absolutely we should host the COP and of course we should talk. Look, climate change is a very unique problem in the world which cannot be solved at all bilaterally. It is a multilateral issue. Is."

He said climate change is a way to re-learn socialism because it is about a common atmospheric space where countries have to learn to live together, whether they like it or not."The UN talks are the only forum where you have multilateral decisions and make decisions that, no matter how broken the system is, are important," Narayan said.

Narayan was a member of the advisory panel to COP-28 President Sultan Al Jaber. Al Jaber also heads oil giant Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., raising activists' concerns that big business is hijacking the global response to the environmental crisis.

"A lot of criticism was given to me too... 'But he's an oil producer. And why are you advising an oil producer?' But it is important.And, I think it's important for us to say what we're going to do with fossil fuels, how we're going to reduce them," Narayan said.

He said that the Ukraine war has pushed the discussion of renewable energy into the background. "Germany was going back to building LNG stations. The U.S. is talking more and more about fracking, talking about opening up more and more land. That's the reality," Narayan said.,

Narayan said that protests against the EU Green Deal are also taking place due to the increasing influence of right-wing parties in Europe.

"We need a platform where we can come together as nations and discuss and the South can play a bigger and bigger role in this demand," he said.

Narayan said India should also address the issue of climate finance and high cost of capital for renewable energy projects.

“These are issues that we need to put on the table. And, the only way to discuss this is in multilateral forums.Yes, India should talk. I think India is a very important part of global leadership. We play an important role,” Narayan said.