Shimla: Congress leader Shashi Tharoor said here on Tuesday that the India Bloc, if it comes to power, will repeal the amendments made to the anti-terrorism law UAP and the reference to religion in the law meant to grant citizenship to refugees.

Referring to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, he said, there is no need for such a law which does not even give a person a chance to prove his innocence.

Many people are in prison for long periods of time because of "weaponized" laws, he said.

Tharoor said that Congress seems to be far ahead of BJP in the elections and is gaining seats where it had got less seats in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections.

On the other hand, the BJP is lagging in the states where it had made a clean sweep, he said, citing Haryana, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Telangana.

Tharoor also objected to the speeches of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying that he was provoking people.

Responding to BJP's allegation that Congress will end reservation, he said that there is nothing to this effect in the Congress manifesto.