Experts from both the countries will participate in a workshop to be held soon here, which will work on collaborative research work and capacity building in elasmobranch research.

Director of CMFRI, Dr. A. Gopalakrishnan said the upcoming workshop is a joint venture between CMFRI and Oman's Center for Marine Science and Fisheries, Directorate General of Fisheries Research as part of a research linkage between the two countries.

"The workshop will lay the foundation for a collaborative future in marine research between the two countries and open avenues for regional management to conserve iconic resources such as sharks and rays in the Arabian Sea," he said.

"We hope this collaboration will extend to other important resources such as tunas, as well as other areas of marine fisheries research, including mariculture and biotechnology," he said.

CMFRI is the national marine scientific authority for CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora).The Institute has been running a dedicated research program on sharks and rays in Indian waters for over a decade, leading to police advisories, conservation plans and development of species-specific databases on many shark and ray species in the Indian EEZ.

During the workshop, participants from both countries will share their knowledge and experience of working with sharks and rays in their respective regions.

Oman's research team will be led by Dr Khalfan Al Rushdi, Director of the Aquaculture Centre, Directorate General of Fisheries Research and leader of Oman's RAISE Project.

The Indian research team will be led by Dr. Shoba Jo Kizhakudan, Head of Finfish Fisheries Division and Principal Investigator of the National Project on Elasmobranchs of CMFRI.

The workshop is coordinated by the India-Shark and Ray Lab of the Finfish Fisheries Division of CMFRI.