United Nations, India abstained in the UN General Assembly on a resolution demanding that Russia immediately cease its aggression against Ukraine and urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized personnel from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

The 193-member UN General Assembly adopted the resolution on Thursday with 99 votes in favor, nine against and 60 abstentions, including India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Egypt, Nepal, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Sri Lanka. Among those who voted against the resolution were Belarus, Cuba, North Korea, Russia and Syria.

The resolution titled “Security of Ukraine's nuclear facilities, including the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” demanded that Russia “immediately cease its aggression against Ukraine and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

He also demanded that Russia urgently withdraw its military and other unauthorized personnel from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant and immediately return the plant to the full control of the sovereign and competent authorities of Ukraine to ensure its safety. He called for Russia's “immediate cessation of attacks” on Ukraine's critical energy infrastructure, which increases the risk of a nuclear accident or incident at all of Ukraine's nuclear facilities.

The draft resolution was introduced by Ukraine and sponsored by more than 50 member states, including France, Germany and the United States.

Called on Moscow, until it returns Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to the full control of the sovereign and competent authorities of Ukraine, to provide the International Atomic Energy Agency Support and Assistance Mission to Zaporizhzhia with timely and full access to all areas in the plant that are important for nuclear safety and security so that the Agency can fully report on the nuclear safety and security situation at the site.

In the explanation of the vote before the vote on the resolution, the First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia, Dmitry Polyanskiy, said that the General Assembly has “unfortunately” adopted many documents that are non-consensual, politicized and do not reflect reality.

"Make no mistake: votes in favor of the project today will be considered by kyiv, Washington, Brussels and London as evidence of support for their policy of further escalating the Ukrainian conflict to the detriment of the measures taken by a sensible part of the community international to find a peaceful, sustainable and long-term solution to the conflict,” he stated.