On Saturday, Imran took to his Instagram to share pictures of his villa, which he designed in consultation with a contractor and a structural engineer. The carousel tracks the progress of the villa. He also wrote a long note in the caption.

The house is constructed on a stone platform and is located close to two seasonal streams and the base of a cliff.

He wrote in the caption: “So… one of the things I did over the last few years was build a house.Although I've played an architect in a few movies, I can't really pretend to have any kind of training or expertise... but I do enjoy tinkering with things and learning! I chose this site because it was unique. Uneven, surrounded by two seasonal streams, nestled just below the cliff... and facing the sunset. I knew immediately that the landscape had to dictate the design of the house. The intention was not to create a grand holiday villa, but to create something that would be inspired by the landscape.''

The actor shared that his new property is not meant to be about the view, it is a haven from where the view can be admired.He further mentioned: “I spent the first year visiting the site at different times to see sunrises and sunsets, the flow of rivers when it rains and the leaves changing during the seasons. This gave me an overall base from which I could modify and rework my sketches. After consulting with my contractor and a structural engineer, I decided to abandon concrete slab construction, and instead follow the classic method used to build houses in the surrounding villages; Stone plinth for the base, single storey brick walls, steel roof beams and precast insulated roofing sheets. That’s it."

The interiors of the villas have ample space for sunlight and breathtaking views of its surroundings.“It took a while, and it's a little uneven around the edges... but it was an enjoyable process. And finally, it costs less than I paid for one of those pre-built villas I keep seeing advertised all over the area. I wonder where the markup goes,'' he said.