According to Greenpeace Canada, a global plastics treaty has the potential to stop the plastic pollution crisis at its source
, environment, wildlife, and th climate. Ambition should be more than just words.

Plastic production and waste will triple by 2060, and 37 million metric tons of plastic pollution could enter the oceans each year by 2040. This is leaving a legacy of environmental impacts for future generations. According to summit host Canada, plastic pollution costs more than $1 trillion each year, with the burden largely falling on local communities.Without new and effective control measures and increased international cooperation, the global plastic pollution crisis will deepen.

During the conference, the Canadian delegation, led by Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault, will meet with international partners from around the world to help drive ambition and alignment to address plastic pollution.

INC-4 is the fourth of five sessions being coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme. INC-4 represents the last moment to unite the world around a shared goal to end plastic pollution. Canada is kicking off the session with a series of events hosted in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund.Negotiating sessions will begin on 23 April, where countries will continue to work on the possible scope, wording and mechanisms, including financial instruments, to be included in the new legally binding treaty on plastic pollution.

No final agreement is expected in INC-4; However, the key point is to lay the groundwork for a successful conclusion of the negotiations at the INC in Korea later this year. Canada has taken several steps to address the growing global challenge of plastic pollution, including the Ocean Launch of the Plastics Charter, including introduction of domestic ban on harmful single-use plastics, implementation of its comprehensive plan. Reducing plastic waste and pollution, and moving towards a circular plastics economy.

Canada is also an inaugural member of the High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution, a group of more than 60 countries representing every UN region that aims to end plastic pollution by 2040 and implement an ambitious and effective To develop a global agreement.“Both people and the planet are suffering deeply from the effects of plastic pollution,” said Jyoti Mathur-Philip, INC Executive Secretary. “This conversation session is important. This is an opportunity to make important progress towards a stronger agreement that will allow future generations to live in a world free from plastic pollution.

Since the 1950s, 9.2 billion tons of plastic have been produced, billions of which have become waste, filling landfills and polluting lakes, rivers, soil and oceans.

Ahead of the talks, UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen said the finance sector has an important role to play in reducing the financial risks of plastic pollution.“It's great to see the global finance industry

,” Anderson wrote on X.

One hundred and sixty financial institutions and two industry stakeholders from around the world are calling on governments to negotiate an ambitious treaty to end plastic pollution before negotiations begin. Representing $15.5 trillion in combined assets, the financial Signatories to the statement come from all regions, including a strong voice from OECD countries, and notably 15 signatories from Asian financial institutions, including India, Indonesia, Singapore, Japan and Korea, where they will be involved in the next and final round of negotiations. Will happen before the end of 2024.

In signing the Statement, financial institutions acknowledge that the financial sector has an important role to play in reducing financial risks related to plastic pollution and are using this opportunity to convey to negotiators what they see as a strong agreement. Will join.(Vishal Gulati can be contacted at [email protected])