The singer, who was raised in a "really conservative" Mormon family and who also served a two-year mission in Nebraska, has been vocal about his departure from the church, reports Is.

Speaking to People magazine, he said: "Obviously there are parts of the Mormon religion that I feel strongly about are harmful, especially to our gay youth."

She added, "I'm on a different path. I have to love myself enough to follow my truth."

In 2018, Reynolds founded the LOVELOUD Foundation to support young LGBTQ+ individuals, stating that he has "always struggled" with religion.

Reflecting on his past, he said he spent his 20s and early 30s feeling "really angry" at religion, believing that the Mormon Church had "betrayed" him.

He admitted: "I found that it took a toll on me personally, but it also worked incredibly well for my family, and they are all healthy, happy people."

Reynolds is no longer angry about his religious past, saying: "Since I've grown up, I'm not angry about it anymore. If something works for someone, that's really wonderful and rare, And I don't want to mess with it."