BSF's Tripura Frontier Inspector General (IG) Patel Piyush Purushottam Das said that between January last year and April 15 this year, various medicines, gold and cattle worth Rs 94.56 crore have been seized from the state's border with Bangladesh.

Speaking to the media, the IG said that most stretches of Tripura's 856-K border with Bangladesh have already been fenced and only the remaining five patches on the border will be completed next year.

On the insurgency front, the BSF has facilitated the surrender of 18 cadres of the banned insurgent organization – National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) in the last one year.

Describing illegal infiltration and infiltration as one of the biggest challenges for the BSF, he said that from January last year to April this year, 1,018 people, including 498 Bangladeshis, 396 Indian nationals and 124 Rohingyas, were arrested.

Detention of people crossing the border illegally in Tripura has declined significantly compared to previous years as the BSF detained 369 people in 2022, including 59 Rohingyas, 160 Indians and 150 Bangladeshi nationals.Das also said that a group of brokers living in both the countries were facilitating infiltration and infiltration and based on the surveillance investigation, the National Investigation Agency
And BSF had caught 29 brokers in November and December last year.

However, some brokers still remain and BSF officials are keeping an eye on them, IG Das said.

Due to the provisions of the Indira-Mujib Pact of 1971 and the India-Bangladesh Borde Agreement signed between the BSF and the then Bangladesh Rifles (now the Borde Guards of Bangladesh) in 1975, there is no 'no man's land' along the India-Bangladesh international border.

Instead, barbed wire fencing was erected by India and border pillars were set up by Bangladesh at a distance of 150 yards from the zero line as per the India-Bangladesh border agreement.

On this issue, the BSF official said that though there are shortcomings in barbed fencing in various areas, the remaining unfenced portions will be closed by installing single-RO fencing by next year.He said that as part of additional security arrangements, 503 cameras have been installed along the border to increase border surveillance in most of the areas prone to infiltration.

The BSF official said around 2,500 Indian villagers are still living on the other side of the barbed wire fence (within Indian territory) on the Tripura border.

BSF is continuously chasing them so that they go inside the fenced area.

Recently, some people were killed in a clash with BSF soldiers on duty along the India-Bangladesh border in Tripura.

On this issue, BSF IG clarified that his soldiers are issued non-lethal pump action guns to prevent loss of life and property on the border.However, if BSF jawans are attacked or in serious danger, they do not have to resort to lethal weapons, which shows that the smugglers had carried out a fatal attack on the BSF jawans when the jawans stopped them and ordered them to stop. .