The snake fossil, named Vasuki indicus, named after Vasuki, the mythological snake often depicted around the neck of the Hindu god Shiva, lived in the present-day Gujarat region during the middle Eocene period.

The team of researchers, led by Sunil Bajpai and postdoctoral fellow Debjit Dutta, said the 11 to 15 meter long snake belonged to the now-extinct Madatsoidae snake family, but represented a lineage unique to India.

The size and shape of these vertebrae suggest that Vasuki indicus had a broad and cylindrical body, indicating a strong and powerful build, and was a stealthy hunter, the researchers said.

"This discovery is important not only for understanding the ancient ecosystem of India but also for knowing the evolutionary history of snakes on the Indian subcontinent," said Sunil Bajpai of the Department of Earth Sciences, II Roorkee.

The team found ancient mammoth fossils in the Panandro lignite mine in Kutch, Gujarat. Of these fossils, 27 vertebrae were exceptionally well preserved, some of which were even found fused or connected like jigsaw puzzle pieces.

“Vasuki indicus is no ordinary snake we are talking about; “Its size rivals that of Titanoboa, a giant snake that once roamed the Earth and holds the title of longest snake ever known,” the team said.

“This underlines the importance of preserving our natural history and highlights the role of research in uncovering the secrets of our past,” Professor Sunil said.