CHENNAI: The Indian Institute of Technology Madras on Thursday announced that it will admit students who have excelled in sports and has set aside two seats in its undergraduate programs for students in the 'Sports Rank List', one of which will be a special one. Will be from. For ladies.

Candidates who have secured a position in the general rank list or category-wise rank list in JEE (Advanced) 2024 and have won at least one medal in any national or international sports competition in the last four years are encouraged to apply. is done, IIT Madras said in a press release on Thursday.

A separate 'Sports Rank List' will be prepared based on the total score obtained by the candidates and their performance in sports. Seat allocation will be done on the basis of this list.

IIT Madras said it is the first research institute in the country to offer "Sports Excellence Entry" into undergraduate degree programs from the academic year 2024-25.

The objective of this initiative is to recognize and reward talented students who have excelled in sports. It said it encourages deserving students to pursue higher education while continuing to excel in sports.

Professor V Kamakoti, Director, IIT Madras, said, “Sports not only teaches the youth to maintain good health and a disciplined life, but also develops the mental maturity to handle successes and failures and transform failures into success through perseverance and hard work.” How can it change?

“The sports quota will ensure the presence of youth with these qualities in our campus who will be role models for other children,” he said.