Meerut (Uttar Pradesh) [India], On the occasion of World Menstrual Hygiene Day, the start-up MildCares founded by Startup Incubation and Innovation Center (SIIC), IIT Kanpur achieved a historic feat by distributing its GynoCu menstrual cups in Aminabad. . Aka Baragaon village of Meerut district. The initiative successfully transitioned women of the village to menstrual cups, paving the way for its official declaration as Uttar Pradesh's first "sanitary pad-free village". Meanwhile, the institute also took to its official According to a press release from IIT Kanpur, this achievement marks a significant progress towards better menstrual hygiene management, environmental sustainability and women's health empowerment.GynoCu from MildCares provides a reusable, cost-effective and eco-friendly alternative to disposable sanitary pads. Menstrual cups offer several advantages over sanitary pads. They are not only cost effective and eco-friendly but also provide a safer and more hygienic option. By reducing reliance on disposable pads, menstrual cups can significantly reduce the risk of infection and promote better menstrual health. Certification by Uttar Pradesh block officials validates the success of this initiative, establishing it as a model for other villages and areas for Gram Pradhan to emulate.Aka Baragaon of Aminabad expressed his enthusiasm towards the program and appreciated the women of the village for adopting this change enthusiastically and flexibly. He believes this is a powerful example for other communities to follow. Dr. Nikhil Agarwal, CEO, SIIC, IIT Kanpur lauded the successful efforts of MildCares. He said, “Switching to reusable menstrual cups significantly reduces waste and significantly reduces its environmental impact. This initiative demonstrates IIT Kanpur's commitment to social change by supporting innovative startups like MildCares. Rachna Vyas, co-founder of MildCares and head of the Switch2Cup initiative, said, “The success of Aminabad aka Baragaon reflects the impact of comprehensive education and community participation.MildCares is thrilled to see these positive changes and hopes it will inspire other areas to adopt sustainable menstrual health practices. MildCare's pioneering initiative in Aminabad aka Baragaon serves as a beacon of hope, paving the way for a future where menstrual hygiene, environmental awareness and women's health go hand in hand.